“With her inquisitiveness, Georgiana helped me understand and overcome my own limitations and take my career one step further. During my coaching process, with every session we had there were new findings which contributed to my self-awareness and made me move from a state of freeze to action in no time.

I am grateful to have had a chance to work with Georgiana throughout my job transition. This was definitely the ace in the hole that made me thrive in my new role.”

Business Development Manager

“Through coaching conversations with Georgiana, I saw situations from angles I hadn’t considered before. I learned to analyze challenges from different points of view, and this skill has had a positive impact on both my personal and professional life.

Thank you, Georgiana, for being a big part of my journey towards self-discovery and growth. Coaching sessions with you have helped me unlock doors I didn’t know existed and find solutions I didn’t believe I could reach.”

Financial Director

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